For new and currently enrolled students, registration for the upcoming school year takes place in March. Please call us at 407-658-4047 for the enrollment start date for this year. The registration and supply fees are annual and non-refundable.
Upon Enrollment
Upon acceptance into Monarch Children’s Academy, you will be given an enrollment packet containing necessary forms that must be filled out before your child may attend. All children will be required to have on record proof of a recent physical and up to date immunization record. These are required by the state.
Monarch Children’s Academy must be notified, in writing, two weeks prior to disenrollment. Tuition will not be waived during these last two weeks. Monarch Children’s Academy reserves the right to disenroll a child at any time for any reason.
Tuition is due the Friday before the upcoming week. Please make checks payable to “Monarch Children’s Academy”.
Monday – Friday: 6:30AM – 6:30PM
Infant Room: 7:00AM – 6:00PM
*A late pick-up fee of $10 per child per 15 minutes will be charged after 6:30 PM (6:00 PM Infant Room)
Monarch Children’s Academy will be closed on the following holidays:
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving & (day-after Thanksgiving)
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Years Day
Severe Weather
In the event of inclement weather (hurricanes), the staff will make every attempt to notify parents of the Center’s closing. An announcement will also be made on local radio channels. We will follow the Orange County School Board’s decision regarding school (Center) closing. The re-opening of the Center will be at the owners discretion and it is the parents responsibility to call the Center for re-opening information. Tuition will not be waived for inclement weather closings.
Because your child’s safety is of utmost importance, all children must enter and leave the center through the front lobby. A child must be accompanied to his/her classroom by a parent or guardian. Once inside the room, please notify the staff person that the child has arrived. Children will be dismissed from their classroom to their parent/guardian. No child will be released to a person not authorized by a parent.
We must have written permission for anyone not listed on the child’s records. If there is any question at all, the child will remain in the Center until proper release is arranged. (If a parent is denied custody or visitation of a child, please have a copy of the legal document on file at the center).
Please limit parking time in the overhang to 2 minutes. Children are not to be left in vehicles while dropping off/picking up other children. This practice is dangerous. Staff members can not be expected to “watch” the car while you take your child to his/her class. Please proceed through the parking lot with extreme caution. At times children dart from their parents to get to the car/center “first”.
In order for your child to benefit from our curriculum, it is crucial that he/she arrive by 9:00 AM. This is especially important for the four-year-old Pre Kindergarten class.
Please help your child to follow rules by encouraging him/her to walk in the hallways and wait for an adult to escort him/her from one area to the next. Do not allow your child to run to the lobby from the classroom and vice versa (alone or with you).
“Drop off / Pick up time is special, you can talk about your day. So share this time, talk to your child and put your cell phone away”. Monarch Children’s Academy is a “cell phone free” environment while in the presence of children.
Apply For Enrollment
Interested in enrolling your child? You can either download our application form or pre-register your child by filling out our form online.
Contact MCA
Monarch Children’s Academy
13825 Townsend Drive
Orlando, FL 32828
- Mon-Fri: 6:30AM – 6:30PM
- Infant Room: 7:00AM – 6:00PM